
Who We Are

Seminole Food

Today's Seminole Indian enjoys the same foods, shops at the same grocery stores and calls out for pizza delivery as much as anyone living outside Seminole Country. With the exception of sofk (a Seminole drink made of grits or roasted corn) and fry bread, most traditional cooking is done on special occasions.
In the past, however, Seminoles made flour for cooking from the roots of the wild coontie (Zamia) plant. They did not necessarily adhere to the "three meals per day" schedule, eating only when hungry. Throughout the course of the day a pot of hot soup or sofkee would be kept on the fire.

Taal-holelke (Boiled Swamp Cabbage) 
Cut out the heart of the cabbage palm. Strip off the outer hard tough fronds to reach the actual white heart. This is the most tender part and should be cut into 1/2-inch strips or cubes. Cook slowly in very little water for 20-30 minutes, adding two tablespoons of cane syrup or sugar and salt to taste. Stir frequently to prevent sticking. (Swamp cabbage appears on your grocery shelves as "Hearts of Palm.") 



Seminoles Cooking Pictures